
Showing posts from February, 2017


Memories have a habit of sneaking up on you at their disposal. Some times they coincide with your current activity and some times they just show up. Don't blame your heart for memories. It is your brain that keeps a log of your memories, your heart merely responds with emotions. For example, I was talking to my coworker about our early settlement struggles and all of a sudden a memory popped in my head and made its way to my conversation. It was a memory that hadn't visited me ever before and I wasn't expecting my own reaction to be so dramatic. My eyes swell up, my throat tightened, my heart overflowed with emotions and I burst into tears, unable to control myself. The memory was of the day we (myself and my 3 sisters, my mother and my grandmother and my little brother) had to say goodbye to our father and our last known residence and embark on our journey to US. My mom was ironing some clothing, our bags were packed and lined up by the stairs, soft music was playing, it...