So Long

It has been over two months that I haven't made an entry to my blog, contrary to my new year's resolution hahahaha. I know that most of the new year resolutions don't live longer than 3-4 months, but what promotes the issue is the highly stressful lifestyle in the US. It is just overwhelming at times and plain exhausting all the other times. Deadlines to keep, jobs to maintain, bills to pay, loads of paperwork to fill out for everything and so much more. What buggs me the most is the financial system here. when you are paying monthly to pay off some kind of a loan  like morgage or car loan etc, 50% to 60% of your payment goes to interest and "finance charges". So you can keep making monthly payments but your principle won't change as much. Or if you take out your 401k,which is your hard earned money, you have to pay a huge fine to IRS or sth just because. Uncomperhensible!!!????? I really liked my philosphy instructor's comment "you get robbed legally and so there is nothing you can do."
The reason I whined and complained is because I compared the complexity of life here and there, I mean the US and Afghanistan. Bureaucracy and capitalism are really pressing down the throat of common public and making it harder and harder for the working class to move up the social ladder. Socialism and lack of government power are what drowned Afghanistan. I guess the former is better than the latter, at least  you won't be tortured, humiliated, killed or driven insane by the inhumanity of few animals.
It is unfair to compare these two countries. I mean come on, US should be compared with other developed, post industrialized countries like France, US and Australia. I haven't lived in other countries but I have family and friends who live in Europe and Australia and from what i hear from them, they have a lot more advantages in their daily life than Me. They get to go to college and graduate school without a 20 year loan afterwards. They have much better maternity benefits even they are employed. They don't have to worry about insurance in the first place. But I live here so I better want and like what I have rather than wanting what I don't have. There are still some benefits to living in the US, I just can't remember them right  now. lol.
Gotta go for now. hope to be back soon.


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