
Showing posts from March, 2012


Focus. It's one of the hardest things to do when u need it the most. I have two topics to review for my exam, but all I can think of are the unfinished things or what I would like to be doing instead of studying, like jogging, shopping n napping. I need to study n ace my exams. I need to prepare for comprehensive finals and NCLEX. Come on, Focus. Thinking, planning n reflecting should be minimized to once or twice a week. The most of your time and energy should be spent on focusing focusing on now, the present , and what you need to achieve at the moment, cuz every moment counts.


It is no news that all humans especially women think thousands thoughts per day. I am no exception to this group. From the moment that I wake up till I go to sleep, my mind doesn't rest or take a break from thinking about something. And you know how it goes, you start at one simple and single thought and before you know it, it has turned into a giant ball of weird, very dark and highly improbable sequence of events that scare the hell out of you. By then,  you are all tense and worked up and start acting on negative emotions and energy that have built up inside of you. I have heard "positive thinking" and such related terms. I didn't believe much in them and didn't actually acted upon them or didn't know how to. Lately, I have been reading about subjects like changing your life etc. I am starting to seriously watch my train of thoughts and how they affect me. What I like to hear was "purposeful thinking". It makes more sense than positive thinking. ...

Grow up!

Marriage is hard especially when there are other impeding factors like, age gap, finances, family, differences in basic principles etc. marriage is the essence of having a family n civilization. However, when you marry someone, you have all the intention of spending the rest of your life with that person but you can never know what life has in store for you. As you grow up n find your way in life, you transform into a more refined person, with slightly different Values n preferences. In this case, you can only hope that your partner grow up with you n his/her preferences match yours otherwise you are in a pickle. Growing up is a pleasure just try not to grow up apart in a marriage.