It's Me!

I love my extra curves, my wrinkles, my age spots, my flawed body, my scars, my puffy tired eyes, my laugh lines, my wrinkled hands, my tired feet, my stretch marks, my white hair strands, and all. They are prove that I have been through the mill of life, that I have had struggles, failures n triumphs. They are signs of my hard work, staying up late, running around, laughs n cries, my worries n my joys. I had been stressed cause I care, I have loved ones to care about. They are the indication that I wasn't born privileged and I worked hard n earned my way in life. Put my appearance next to my experiences, my accomplishments and my pains n that's when u get a true picture of me. U will see then how beautiful I am. If you want to minimize me to my physical appearance, that's not my problem. If I was concerned about that, I wouldn't have gotten where I m in life. You can be obsessed with your mirror image or you can live your life with purpose.


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