
Showing posts from April, 2012

One solution

Weight loss, almost everybody's problem. Its the number one new-year's resolution, with a very lucrative market. Anyways, I am not here to write a scientific research paper on this. I did a simple calculation and came up with a solution for my own weight problem. I need to lose 1 lb every week, starting next week (or two days) and by new year, I will be at an acceptable weight and shape. This doesn't look so overwhelming. To lose 1 lb every week, I need to have a calorie deficit of 3500 weekly. That comes to 500 cal or Cal per day. So a deficit of 500 cal per day will get me to my ideal weight. To create this deficit, add exercise, do portion control, and curb calorie intake. This is where lazy people like me lose hope:) I don't want to resort to diet pills, but I don't mind more natural or herbal ways of curbing my appetite. I will use the Yogi blueberry tea for that purpose. Water! Water before my meals. Smaller portions, meaning smaller plate and bowl. Add varie...

Zen on the Horizon

Still haven't accomplished my peaceful state of mind, but I am making progress. I plan on going jogging or spending some time in the gym and really focus on studying. The weather is still cold, so I need to also take my princess somewhere for fun, mall or grandma's house or sth. What I really want is to spend some time with my husband. Let's see if that happens:) Every stage of life has its pleasures and trade offs. I enjoy being a student and learning. I want to spend as much time as possible studying and learning. The trade off is not having an income and the feeling of guilt. Guilt for not spending time with loved ones and missing on family time. I think the trade offs of being a  nursing student (of accelerated track program) have been stressing me out a little more than they should. When I talked to couples of my classmates with families, they shared the same feeling, the guilt of not being there with your family. Let's not forget not having any time for yourself ...

My Zen

I have lost my zen. I was doing really well. For a period of few weeks, I was in control, I was peaceful. It felt really good. I was surprised at how well I was doing. Problems didn't seem so eternal and grandiose. I wasn't easily depressed and in tears. Now, I have lost my zen, my peaceful state of mind. People close to my heart annoy me, I am short tempered and tearful. And I have finals ahead of me. I just don't know what to do. What would you do if you couldn't get rid of the source of your annoyance and worry? The reason I am hesitating is what if my annoyance and dissatisfaction still exist and even get more obnoxious even after I rid myself from this source of annoyance. I will just close my eyes and try to listen to some kind of music, maybe jazz. Hopefully that will help.