I have been having some personal hard times the last few days in spite of many hopes in my life. Story of my life:) Today, I got so frustrated with the marital complications that I thought if I can fast forward my life at least one year, I might be in a better place and time. Is that true? It might be, but I highly doubt it. So far, what I have learned from life is that there is no shortage of turmoil and trouble in any stage of you life. Single or married, with or without child, rich or poor, work or school, close to family or away from loved ones, married to the man of your dreams of someone with rough edges, you will always have problems. This fact doesn't minimize the implications and intensity of your current problems though. Just because you will have troubles next year doesn't mean this year's problems are trivial. What I have learned from life that it is a constant struggle with hardly any breaks in between. So what is one to do? You can't run away from your pro...